
Dancers rely on their ‘connection to the ground’ putting feet and legs through various stresses and strains. Correct posture and technique is essential for longevity and prevention of injury as a dancer. Foot posture correction with specific strengthening and ‘position awareness’ form part of a treatment plan for young dancers at NCP.

NCP clinicians are experienced in  ‘Arch Angels’® prescription if determined necessary in dance slippers and Pointe shoes. These are also at times complimented with orthotic prescription for day time shoe wear.  Most amateur dances do their hard dancing work at the end of their day.

Poor foot posture throughout the dancer’s day fatique the leg and foot musculature and supportive structures, which in turn promotes poor technique at the days end when most dancers do classes. This phenomenon forms the basis for prescribing ‘in shoe’ therapy for day time wear as well as for dance footwear.