Focus on Sports People

Highly repetitive movements with larger than normal forces as experienced when we are active combined with ‘less than perfect biomechanics’ can lead to pain and injury in the feet, legs, knees, hips and spine. Probably even more important to the competitive athlete poor biomechanics can lead to poor performance! At NCP a static examination and most importantly analysis of your movement forms the basis for a diagnosis and formulation of a management plan to get you back to your personal best.

A treadmill, cameras (front and behind) as well as ‘Silicon Coach’ software is often used to ‘slow mo’ the action to confirm analysis but also explain to the athlete what the NCP podiatrist is attempting to achieve with intervening with the athlete’s biomechanics.

Don’t let niggling pains distract you from concentrating on the task at hand. NCP has the expertise to work with your coach or team clinician to get you back on track. In fact Cliff has been a member of Sports Medicine Australia for 30 years and began his professional career as a Physical Education teacher, studied Podiatry at QUT, completed a M.Sc by research through the School of Human Movement Science at Southern Cross University and enjoys working with all sportspeople/athletes.